My tips for a sustainable wardrobe

So we went through the whole ‘charging for plastic bags’ debate, turning against plastic straws and encouraging the purchase of reusable water bottles. These are all very small changes when we look at the bigger picture of this everlasting fight for climate change, but boy are these small steps important.

The average American disposes of over 65 pounds of textiles a year…not donated…thrown away and landing directly in landfills. Why is this so bad? Well, not only does it reflect the dangers of our overconsumption habits, but because most clothing items are made of chemical, petroleum-based synthetic fibers (which are essentially plastic), they will take decades to decompose.

Hopefully you’ve begun shopping locally, maybe even in bulk when it comes to your groceries, but this journey towards sustainable living is not over. 

Ever think of how FASHION could be affecting our planet? How our need to consistently be trendy might be dangerously harming our planet? Applying those sustainable practices, like purchasing that trusty tote bag for your errands or investing in a reusable coffee mug for your morning coffee run, can be difficult to implement when it comes to your wardrobe. Believe me, I’ll be the first to admit it. But in light of what I just revealed above, switching to a sustainable closet is so important when we look at the state of our poor planet. It’s also simpler than you might think! 

My team and I have therefore compiled a list of 4 tips that we’ve been putting in an effort to live by, to hopefully help you adopt a more sustainable life!


1. Donate your unwanted clothes. 

Whenever you feel the urge to buy new pieces, try giving away pieces that you no longer wear beforehand, like an exchange. Say you buy 5 new pieces, give away 5 old pieces. Not only does this help you be more sustainable, but it will also help others, who repurpose your old clothes, rather than buying something new. 

You could also try organizing a clothing swap with your friends!


2. Say no to fast fashion

Fast fashion is wrong and harmful on so many levels. To us it appears affordable, fun, convenient and trendy. But to factory workers, fast fashion means low wages, long hours, terrible working conditions and dangerous health risks. 

Not only are pieces cheap, created very quickly with polluting textiles, the working conditions in factories are often abysmal. The industry provides jobs for over 300 million individuals in the world, but deprives them of living wages. The grand majority of factories violate labor laws, federal wage laws and hour laws forcing people to work in unsafe environments breathing in toxic fumes daily so that we can purchase that one hoodie we’ll probably wear 10 times max and then stuff in the back of our closet. 

What’s more, clothes are poorly made because they aren’t meant to last. The goal of fast fashion is to have an incredibly fast turnover, for consumers to buy as many pieces as possible, as quickly as possible. Our clothing is designed to fall apart so we can buy more and more…and more.


3. Go for quality over quantity 

Better quality garments will naturally be more expensive than your $25 sweater from Shein. However, you’ll be able to wear it for much longer! Putting intention in your purchases, saving up for lasting items that you truly want or need, and making an effort to be more thoughtful when in your selection of clothing can save both you and your closet lots of money in the long run. 

Invest in slow fashion; purchase clothes made ethically of high-quality materials that you’ll be able and excited to wear for a long time.


4. Look at the label

First thing’s first, limit the purchase of items made of synthetic fibers. These are man made materials made from oils and chemical compounds, and essentially take forever to decompose in a landfill. 

Although synthetic wear can be very useful thanks to its water and stain resistant properties, opting for garments made from natural fibers, such as cotton, silk or linen, when possible will help you contribute to a greener planet. 

Here at Viita, we make a conscious effort to adopt sustainable practices throughout our entire designing, manufacturing and shipping process. From the materials we use, to the quantities we produce and the brands and individuals we associate with, Viita Protection is passionate about making your leak protection as high-quality and durable as possible.

I truly believe that less is more. Less fabric, less waste, less expenses, for more comfort, more conscientiousness and higher standards. 

Your contribution matters. Let’s make a difference together.